Best Hydroponics Systems and Supplies

Best Flower Enhancer Tips: How to Encourage Pepper Plants to Bloom

06/11/2013 11:56


best flower enhancerAre your pepper plants not doing very well? Are they producing lots of lush foliage but there is only few or no flowers at all? This sounds a bad thing. You should do something about it before all your efforts, time, and money go to waste. So how do you get them to bud, bloom, and bear an abundant amount of food? Here are some best flower enhancer tips:

To make pepper plants flower, you have to give them more potassium and phosphorous, and less nitrogen. Too much nitrogen will only encourage them to produce a lot of leaves, which therefore compromising the bloom as almost all of the plants' energy go to the production of foliage alone.

If you are giving your pepper plants a balanced diet, such as 8-8-8 (these three numbers refer to the percentage of N-P-K or nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium in the mixture), you must stop this program at once. Also, you should avoid mixtures such as 24-6-8, which is very high in nitrogen. Instead, give your plants a mix with high level of phosphorous or the best flower enhancer available.

There are a number of flower-boosting blends in the market today. It's important to get the right mix; 10-30-20 is a good blend. You could apply flower enhancer every week for 2 to 3 weeks, but not more, as phosphorous can linger in the soil. 

It goes without saying that essential cultural conditions should be met, as well. Peppers need long hours (6 hours is ideal) of full sunlight, an inch of water every week, and a humus type of soil that drains well.

To get a great harvest, give your pepper plants the right food, all suitable cultural conditions, and the best flower enhancer. Click on the given link to learn how to achieve all of these, or watch the video below. 

